Grandad!! Look
at all the stars!...and there's the Milky Way!
Where’s the Southern Cross, Grandad?
See those bright stars above us – they point to
the Cross, and see…the bottom of the Cross points to South. Like our blog 'Down-under 'n' lost' says,
we can use it to find direction and even tell roughly what time it is – if
clouds aren’t in the way. Really?? That’s clever! So why are there stars in the sky?
The Bible tells us that they are there for 'signs
and seasons'.
I can't see any signs up there - just dots.
When God first made the Earth He put what was
called 'a firmament' up there - sort of a shell around the Earth to protect us.
It was possibly made of compressed hydrogen which would have made the stars
glow like your computer screen does.
Wow! What happened to the shell?
It broke! Apparently there was no rain, just
mist, for the first 1656 years until Noah and his family were safely in the ark
with all those animals. Then God broke up the ‘fountains of the great deep’ and
opened the ‘windows of heaven’ because He’d had enough of Man’s wickedness.
So how many stars are there anyway?
Only God knows how many there are because He has
counted them and named them all but astronomers tell us there are more stars
than grains of sand on Earth.
Wow! God must have the biggest computer
Big Bang?? Did you hear about the house exploding in
Tuncurry the other day?...all it left was a big mess - it didn't create life,
it killed the owner.
The Bible
tells us that the Big Bang comes at the end of the universe.
So how did the stars get up there then?
God made them all on the 4th day about
6000 years ago, putting them all in their place.
But stars are so far away, their light takes a lot longer than 6000 years
to get here. Even sunlight takes over 8 minutes to get here.
We forget that God tells us about 10 times in the
Bible how He did it – by stretching out the heavens like a tent, just like we
erected our tent just now.
That’s just fantastic! I can’t get my head around
that. So how are we supposed to read the
star signs?...Is that what the star page in the newspaper is for?
No way! Those notions are
based on someone’s imagination and the signs are out by about a month anyway.

How do you know that?
He tells us all about
it in Psalm 19 – even telling us there’s a line up there around the whole Earth
- with words!
Aw Grandad!...there’s no line up there with words
on it!
Well the apostle Paul
said that the words up there were the gospel about the Lord Jesus and that
‘their sound went into all the earth’ – ‘their words to the ends of the world’.
But isn’t that talking about missionaries taking
the Good News about Jesus to all the countries of the world?
When Paul wrote that to
the people in Rome there was no global travel in airliners, or internet, or satellite
television – not even telephones. Paul hadn’t even been to Rome himself.
me…how could you possibly send a message all over the world to people who spoke
different languages, without modern technology?
Sometimes people send messages in bottles in the ocean but that would be a bit slow. I suppose the only way would be by using
signwriting in the sky.
Just like God said!...signs
in the firmament.
How about
we talk some more in the morning.
NEXT: 'Brekkie 'round the campfire...'
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