We once proudly stood
at attention to begin the school week with this pledge:
I love God and my country I honour the flag
I will serve the Queen,
and cheerfully obey my parents, teachers and the laws.

Now hang on….didn’t I just walk past separate Boys and Girls toilets?...and now that I’m in the classroom, aren’t some girls and boys avoiding sitting next to each other? (Give them a year or two at high school and that might change!)
Who was there, in the beginning? ….the scientists, the theologians or the philosophers?
No, only God was there – the rest of us were still dust – and He tells us what He did, making people on the same day as all land animals - even dinosaurs!
So God creates Man in His own image, then the very first thing He mentions about people is…guess what.....SEX!
“…male and female created He them.”
How odd! This sex-obsessed world seems to have no plausible explanation for the existence of male and female, hence the survival of the human race and us being in the classroom today, and yet God tells us He invented sex and goes on to explain its honourable role.
So how about that! Just
seeing boys and girls sitting in their classroom is clear evidence that our
Creator God exists and what’s more, He has given clear instructions on how to
provide these kids with stable family life – it’s called marriage between a man
and a woman - for life. No, only God was there – the rest of us were still dust – and He tells us what He did, making people on the same day as all land animals - even dinosaurs!
So God creates Man in His own image, then the very first thing He mentions about people is…guess what.....SEX!
“…male and female created He them.”
How odd! This sex-obsessed world seems to have no plausible explanation for the existence of male and female, hence the survival of the human race and us being in the classroom today, and yet God tells us He invented sex and goes on to explain its honourable role.
So how did male and female simultaneously develop over millions of years?
Don’t hold your breath while waiting for a scientific explanation.
Anyway, how long does a may-fly enjoy adult life for? One day!
Oh and by the way, even the children recognise God was telling Job to take a look at the brachiosaurus dinosaur. (chapter 40)
NEXT: Are you and I just bags of chemicals?