Wednesday 23 October 2013

#1 GOLDILOCKS ZONE - just right!

Are you broadminded?...can you think outside the square?...even if your long-held beliefs get tipped on their head?                                                                                                                                   

We have all been brilliantly indoctrinated by scientists and educators that, even though nowhere else in the universe is known to be habitable, Planet Earth is just an insignificant speck in a vast cosmic universe of galaxies - not even at the centre of our own solar system.... yes?.... and they tell us it all started with the ‘Big Bang’.                 
How did the stuff that went BANG exist in the first place?    Don't ask.            
Also, don't ask about how come Mercury's orbit/rotation is synchronised, or how come Venus has a retro-rotation AND is synchronised with Earth, or why we find ourselves in the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ (just right) with our Moon also perfectly positioned, or why Mars is right where it should be, or about Jupiter's energy, or Saturn's incredible moons, or why Uranus rolls along like a ball, or how Neptune even exists, or why Pluto is still very much alive, or where comets come from……
So all this incredible design came about from an uncontrolled chance explosion??                 
In fact, scientists are now quietly admitting that the Big Bang theory is looking a bit dodgy .....but of course, don't bother changing the textbooks in the schools just yet.
So, is our solar system heliocentric?.......or geocentric?                                    
In other words: is the Sun really the centre of our solar system?……..or is Earth?
Yep!...does the Earth orbit the Sun?…or is it the other way around?                      
(Hey this guy has really lost his marbles!)

Being a pilot, let me assure you that once you’re airborne, time becomes relative – it can be local time, or ‘Zulu time’ at Greenwich, or destination time, or flight time, or dinner time, or time to go to the loo!                                                           
But which way is up?….or where is north?  You’d better hurry up and find out!

Now you’ve graduated as an astronaut doing some extra-vehicular activity (space-walking) and time is not relative now - it’s meaningless. 
Who cares what time it is in Houston? long as your oxygen holds out.   
Which way is up?  Where’s north?  
Is Australia down-under or on-top?  
Where is your reference point now?   
“Huh?  Earth, I suppose!”                                          

See…the position and movement of everything out here is….RELATIVE. (Get that?)                      
So let’s look at how the world’s great thinkers in the past saw it….

For thousands of years Man has watched the sun and moon tracking across the sky as they appeared to orbit around the Earth. Five ‘stars’ scored the Greek name planetes because they appeared to also wander along this line although sometimes moving in reverse, yes: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

In November 2012, five of them lined up like ducks for Cairns, Queensland – all except Mars and Jupiter.               

Cairns saw 5 planets in a row!
In the 3rd Century BC, Aristarchus of Samos failed to convince us that the sun was the centre of the action; the Earth-centred Almagest proposed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (90-168 AD) of Alexandria, Egypt seemed to make more sense – for 1400 years – until, instead of 5 planets, 5 European scientists wander along:
Nick, Tyco, Joe, Leo and Zac.  
Which one will get it right?    

NEXT: “Don’t take the Bible literally”

Image credits: 








Friday 18 October 2013


I promised we’d look at the question asked by one of my students: “Why does the ‘Man in the Moon’ always look the same?”   She was talking about the monthly Full Moon - but is she right?

Yes, the Moon  completes one spin in the same time that it completes one orbit, only ever letting us see the ‘face’ and never the far side.                                                         

The moon has synchronous rotation - its orbital period is 27.321582 Earth days and its sidereal rotation period is also 27.321582 Earth days – exactly the same!   No-one knew what the far side of the Moon looked like until the Russsian space-probe Luna 3 orbited the Moon and transmitted mankind’s first images in October 1959.
Talking about the Moon - its gravity, position and orbit is perfect for it to also:
·         Stabilize Earth’s axial rotation
·         Regulate our ocean currents and our climate (Have you heard of climate change?)
·         Produce awesome Total Solar Eclipses- unique in our solar fact, unknown anywhere else in the universe!
·         Produce ‘blood red’ Total Lunar Eclipses
·         Influence  the growth of plants and trees
·         Influence animal feeding habits, especially nocturnals
·         And of course - clean our beaches!
(Don’t forget, from 400,000 kms away it sometimes sets the scene for that romantic evening, helping us get home without a torch.)
In case we think we’ve got the Moon all figured out, just to complicate things it behaves dynamically in an eccentric orbit that produces libration – the ‘Man in the Moon’ appears to get the wobbles!
Despite all that, we are expected to believe that the Moon came about by sheer accident when some huge asteroid crashed into Earth from who knows where and all the debris somehow just  joined together…………………….”uh?”
(On the other hand, the Bible says that God said to king David that the Moon is His faithful witness in the sky.)             
Now then ……is the Moon just a very convenient accident or is there some design in this?
Monique Copelin (12), Beechwood, NSW, Oz                                                                                                                                                                                            

Photo credit:  Rogelio Bernal Andreo / Deep Sky Colours                                                                  

Monday 7 October 2013


Here’s Rolene Strauss from South Africa, crowned Miss World 2014.                                 
What do you think?... is she another beautiful masterpiece of humanity or is she just an accident of nature too?

Now then ladies, us men have you to thank for bringing us into the world… but where did you come from?  Venus?                                      
Ah!…you say women evolved over millions of years?                                                
Is that so?...just like the hundreds of thousands of sexual species all survived by simultaneously, as male and female, adapting and evolving through chance genetic mutation?...with no design whatsoever? 
Right…I’m not sure I can get my head around that. Did you know geneticists admit that reproductive cells CANNOT adapt to environment, plus…….. we all seem to have a COMMON ancestry!

Science also has to admit that the universe must have had a supernatural beginning - where else did the matter and energy come from? let’s see if the first woman also arrived ...wait for it...............................supernaturally, like this:

Loneliness was not good for Adam, so what did God do about it?  
The Master Surgeon commenced the world’s first costectomy on the world’s first donor – a surgical procedure under anaesthesia to remove a rib (you know - just a spare part :) to sculpt His ultimate creative masterpiece: an adult woman ready for Him to give away at the world’s first wedding.  Meanwhile the patient made a remarkably quick recovery from major surgery! 
That must have been a busy day for everyone.                                                           

The human skeleton has a thoracic cage of ribs to protect the vital organs (that’s handy, hey!), to facilitate breathing and let's not forget, to support those vital breasts of hers.                                         
There are 12 pairs of ribs comprising: 7 true pairs, 3 false pairs and 2 floating pairs – 24 in total. So then why don’t men have one less rib?                                           

If surgeons remove a rib but leave the surrounding periosteum membrane…guess what!....osteoblast cells will regrow replacement rib bone. How about that!

Which rib was taken?  We aren’t told.   
Some like to think it was a rib close to Adam’s heart, making for a great romance.
Or maybe Adam had been created with a spare rib?
On the other hand if it was a rare ‘cervical rib’ growing from the 7th cervical vertabra, well…that would make for a pain in the neck........(nah, just joking:)

So we can thank Adam or blame him!


Dr. Carl Wieland /
Anatomica, Global Book Publishing, Sydney 2000