Able-bodied persons looking for that adventure of a lifetime are invited to join the crew of this vessel seeking valuable spermaceti oil from the world's oceans. Prior experience is an advantage but not essential. Award wages apply for normal shipboard duties however shore leave in exotic sea-ports can be expected and handsome bonuses are paid after a successful season.
(This is an Equal Opportunity Workplace - ladies welcome!)
Apply in person to the Ship's Master.
Greenhorns - expect a special ‘right-of-passage’
So…you’ve joined our crew, hoping for that fat bonus but are you ready for that special job?...and do you know anything about our target anyway?
whales can grow to about 20 metres in length (longer than a semi-trailer),
weigh up to 57,000 kgs, dive at 170 metres per minute, stay below for 90
minutes and reach a dark depth of 3 kms where the pressure is 300 times what
we’re used to.
It’s not such a good idea to let the
harpoon line snag your leg.

Hop down there m’lad and fill this bucket with all that lovely sperm oil – all 500 GALLONS (2200L) of it – and mind you don’t spill a drop! Never-mind what it reminds you of – just don’t drown in it because I don’t want to have to clean you up for your mum.
From that precious oil we can extract SPERMACETI wax to make candles, lubricants, fabric treatment, leather dressing…even cosmetics for lots o’ ladies!
ask me sonny why there’s so much oil in there – even the scientists still aren’t
sure. By the way, the 2 compartments take up 1/3 of the whale’s length and a ¼
of its mass - so mind you don’t get lost in there.
Look lively now!
Look lively now!
Some say the
whale can change the density of the oil by passing water through its nasal
passages, controlling its buoyancy. Others say the compartments comprise the
largest natural sonar device AND enable the whale to make the loudest sounds of
any animal. So it looks like the oil serves at least 3 functions - maybe
What other animal can chase giant squid at the bottom of the ocean then sunbake on top? Look even the blowhole is offset to the left – what a weird and wonderfully designed creature!
Don’t worry laddy, the IWC banned hunting the
sperm whale in 1985.What other animal can chase giant squid at the bottom of the ocean then sunbake on top? Look even the blowhole is offset to the left – what a weird and wonderfully designed creature!
I hope you enjoyed the recruitment format for a change. How could a creature live like a sperm whale if it wasn’t designed for it?