Look into the night-sky towards the tropics and
you will see a bull with a blood-shot eye, wearing a Subaru badge and facing a
hunter whose sword belt is sagging!
The hunter of course is ORION (his belt forming
the base of 'the saucepan'); further west you will see the faint but beautiful
cluster of the SEVEN SISTERS called THE PLEIADES on the flank of Taurus the Bull.
His blood-shot eye is the red star, Aldebaran.
Our upside-down view from 'Downunder'! |
Will Orion have to let out his belt as he gets older or is that sword just
getting a bit heavy?
Will the Seven Sisters go their own ways or prefer to stick together?
These two celestial sights can be seen from anywhere in the habitable
world, with Orion being the brightest constellation, hovering over the Equator.
Betelgeuse, is Orion's shoulder and
the giant blue star, Rigel, on his
Last century,
astronomers with modern telescopes were able to observe that the stars, Mintaka and Alnilam in Orion's belt, seem to be moving towards each other,
whereas the other major star, Alnitak,
seems to be drifting away.
Orion Nebula flashes from the hunter's sword |
They also
observed that the cluster of The Pleiades seems to be moving together towards the
The book of Job
in the Jewish Scriptures was written at least 2,700 years ago and was probably
the first book written about 3,500 years ago, long before the world’s first
telescope was made by Hans Lippershey in 1608 AD.
God challenged
How about that! So
God is just a myth??
Okay, why the Subaru badge? Subaru is Japanese for The Pleiades.
According to
Greek mythology, the seven daughters of Atlas were: Electra, Maia, Taygete,
Asterope, Celaene, Alcyone and Myrope
who is not old enough to stay up as late as her sisters so she’s difficult to
see with the naked eye.
Now you know why Subarus the world over, like Taurus the Bull, proudly wear
the 6 star badge representing 6 stunning sisters. By the way, what else does Taurus wear- on his head for the next few
Who said that God hasn’t got a sense of humour?
Isabel Lewis, United States Naval Observatory
Dr. Robert J. Trumpler, Lick Observatory, California
Of The Sky" by Garrett P. Serviss
Subaru (Australia) Pty. Ltd. and Port Macquarie Subaru
Image credits:
Night sky & Orion
Nebula / Stellarium
Pleiades / Rogelio Bernal
Andreo / DeepSkyColours.com