So was Moses just waffling on in Deuteronomy 33 when he said:
“they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hidden in the sand and later on of Asher whose land faced the great sea: "let him dip his foot in oil."
Listen Moses, you're 120 years old and retired from
sheep farming 40 years ago – what would you know about geology or seismic
surveys, let alone what’s under the great sea?
Poor Israel - surrounded by oil-rich Arab lands but stuck with this
'ridiculous' prediction staring out from their Torah about abundance, treasures
and oil....ridiculous until now. 
Is this just ‘Lady Luck’ smiling on Israel for a change?..…or is this yet
another modern day fulfilment of Jewish prophecy after 3350 years? Perhaps old
Moses knew what he was talking about after all.
With an Energy Triangle planned for 2015 with Cyprus and Greece, things are
looking up for Israel, except there’s a jealous neighbour - Lebanon, backed
World Book 2005
Photo credits: oil rig /
map /
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