She gets
to swim in the family pool, wallow in the spa, chomp on chicken wings at
barbeques and even pose in wedding photos. A tickle on the neck quickly puts a
smile on her dial when you would expect to lose a finger or three.
Chris is a reptile wrangler contracted by the Northern Territory government
and has his own theory on Stumpy’s friendly disposition…
“Something has undone millions of years of evolution with this animal.”
…except Chris is forgetting one thing – our Creator God who said to Noah
after the Great Flood: “…the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every
beast of the earth…”
So will animals always have this fear of man while preying on each other?

So what else puts a smile on the dial of a crocodile? Hatchlings of course!
Is there
anything we could learn from the crocodile?...like, protecting our children
from evil?
Acknowledgements: Ross Bilton, The Weekend Australian Magazine, 30 Nov
Photo credits:
Stumpy / Nathan Dyer
Hatchling /
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