Friday 8 November 2013


Continuing on from: “Don’t take the Bible literally”… we thought we lived at the centre of our solar system, even the centre of the universe, until 5 European scientists came along and spoilt that by unwittingly challenging the Bible, then…


Just when virtually everybody had accepted the Sun being the centre of our solar system (and the notion that the Earth must be millions of years old), we’re watching the German Nazis rid the world of those ‘embarrassing’ Jews - the writers of the Bible that contradicts those ideas!                                                         
Meanwhile, a German Jew of all people – the genius Albert Einstein (1879–1955) - comes up with his profound theories of Relativity showing that all position and movement in the universe is RELATIVE - so it is not actually wrong to say our solar system is ‘geocentric’, after all!                                                        


(He also said: “Time is an illusion”…try that one on a parking officer!)                           

Fortunately for scientists and educators with an atheistic agenda, us lesser mortals can’t get our heads around Albert Einstein’s astrophysics, so don’t hold your breath waiting for the textbooks to be changed any time soon.                                  

Oh and by the way, guess who still use both heliocentric AND geocentric phenomena?
Astronomers of course!

-  geocentric positioning is used for observation, teaching, navigation, radio-telescopes and planetariums

-     there is no observational difference between the heliocentric and geocentric models – they both predict identical planetary movements

-     the sun is not actually centred on the geometric ‘barycentre’ of any planet’s orbit and is not centred on the centre of gravity of the solar system

…you still don’t get it??                                                              
We live in a vast environment where position and movement is RELATIVEHere on Earth, anytime we talk about sunrise, time of day or night, sunset, planets rising and setting….we are using the Earth as our reference - not the Sun.  We are talking ‘geocentric’!   
When the astronauts stood on the Moon, that was their reference – not the Earth or the Sun, which both seemed to rise and set while orbiting the Moon. Why not check with an Apollo astronaut who’s been there? For them the Moon was the centre of the solar system (even the universe) – they were ‘lunarcentric’ - until they decided Earth was a more attractive option and headed for home.                                                   
What do you think?  Was Galileo closer to being right after all? (as usual!)…trying to have it both ways.

What about that Bible that is supposed to contradict Science?.....not so stupid after all??


Image credits:                                                          


1 comment:

  1. Is this a hot topic!
    I simply suggested to some students that they think about whether the Earth could still be centre-stage only to be quickly interrupted by the atheist class teacher gloating over Copernicus having proved centuries ago that 'the Bible is wrong'.
    (Psst - even my wife thinks I've lost the plot!)
