Thursday 22 May 2014


The Royal Miracle
What strange creatures we are!  A mum’s precious baby is her little miracle…..while others are discarded as ‘mistakes’??
Sperm that enter the vagina are immature until undergoing capacitation by uterine secretions and the female immune system recognises the same male.          
More of the miraculous!

The first sperm to enter the zona pellucida around the ovum blocks entry for all other sperm and the two gamete cells now form the zygote, carrying your complete genome: all the genetic information to make YOU!   Yes, we have a new miracle: YOU.
Next day, this zygote divided miraculously by mitosis to produce 2 daughter nuclei, each with 23 pairs of chromosomes. (Just as well you started with 23+23 not 46+46 because 92 chromosomes are found in a rat!)

Mitosis continued and on about Day 5 differentiation miraculously decided the future roles of your 8 identical cells - that have extended arms to huddle together!
Before your mum knew you were there you miraculously had your own pulse by about Day 21 and your own heart after 4 weeks.

There’s sure to be much more of the miraculous behind your birth but here is one that most mums have never heard of:
We were all born with 3 shunts, including a ‘hole-in-the-heart’ – the foramen ovale, which closed the moment you were born.
Yes! You and I really are miracles – NOT mistakes.                                                             

So is the Bible wrong when it says...?

“…He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things…for in Him we live, and move, and have our being…for we are also His offspring.”
Maybe even old Job had it right after all...?

“The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.”    
“Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about….”

NEXT:  ‘The Unique You’

Quotations from KJV Bible: Acts 17:25-28, Job 33:4 ; 10:8-

Photo credit:

1 comment:

  1. Some conversations you just never forget… As a schoolboy waiting my turn for a haircut, I heard the barber and a waiting mother marvel that her baby was yet another miracle born.
    40 years later I overheard a mother describe her beautiful daughter as an ‘oops’- in front of her.
