Monday 12 November 2012


This really sets the cat among the pigeons or ‘Dino among the dustcoats’!.......

A paleontologist from North Carolina State University, Mary H. Schweitzer, was involved in a large fossil dig at Hell Creek in north-east Montana. In 2001 so many remains were collected from the site that even smelled of death that a 3.5m long thigh bone from a particular Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil had to be broken to fit into the helicopter. Bone fragments were taken back to the laboratory and dissolved with acid to reveal fibrous bone matrix. Further examination revealed that the dinosaur was probably a pregnant female and heme, a haemoglobin component in blood, also remained. As a result of this and other unfossilised finds, a new field of science has emerged - molecular paleontology.
An adult T-Rex was about 12 metres long and stood about 3.7 metres tall. We are told that they died out 65 million years ago but that soft tissue and nucleated red blood cells could not be expected to survive anywhere near that long, even in a protected environment within rock.

What has been the response from academia? Mary has been accused of: being mistaken, allowing contamination, lab testing outside her expertise, rushing the tests due to funding constraints, confusing matrix with bacterial biofilm…but no scientist who values his/her career dares question that sacred dating of 65 million years. The only option now is to rethink fossil mineralisation and preservation rates.                                          
According to the Geological Column in the textbooks:
How is the 65 million years decided on by paleontologists? the age of the rocks?
So how is the age of the rocks decided on by geologists? the age of the fossils?

And what drives science these days?  Objectivity… or money? careers? bias?
Just by the way, Mary is reported having said about God: “…I think He kind of designed it so that we’d never be able to prove His existence.”

Photo credits:
T-rex /
Hell Ck /


  1. This topic really upsets some people who fight ugly to defend that dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. If that is so, why is 'molecular paleontology' necessary? Decide for yourself on this one, as usual. One day we'll look at what the historians tell us about human contact with 'dragons'.

  2. By the way, Mary, my Bible tells me in Romans 1 that our Creator has designed things in such a way that not only can we know about Him but also know His divine attributes from the things He has made.
