Wednesday 21 November 2012

Posers from uni students

While you're waiting for the next article here's a bonus to liven up your dinner table, with some questions commonly raised by uni students:

1.         Where is the evidence that God exists?..........Give us some 'iopnas'!

2.         Why all the suffering?......................................Fix it God!

3.         Hasn't science proved with the 'theory of evolution' that God doesn't exist anyway?..........................................................Give us facts not myths!

A 4th question will keep for a rainy day and before you throw these 3 into the ring,

·         how can we explain the survival of Israel, and its sacred Book with its historic accuracy and archaeological evidence?

·         have we ever actually seen a man flogged nearly to death - then crucified naked with nails?

·         is the 'theory of evolution' actually based on empirical evidence or another human belief system?  Is it true science or religion?  Fair question?

Good luck!

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