Monday 29 October 2012


 Take a look at this cup of rainwater…

  • can you see the water is even bulging above the lip?
  • can you see the STEEL paper clip?'s floating!!
  • a floating petal supports a ball of water
  • water is also being drawn up the stem of the cut flower, preventing it from wilting - in the same way water reaches the leaves of tall trees.

Do you remember getting a sore tummy from doing ‘belly flops’ at the swimming pool?....or back in the days when we camped under canvas if you touched the wet tent it would start dripping?
Have you seen spiders and insects walk on water?
Did you know that float-planes have trouble taking off from a glassy-smooth lake?.... they have to taxi back and forth to disturb the surface.
Let's see why... 

Water is a colourless, odourless, tasteless compound comprising 2 elements: hydrogen and oxygen – volatile gases!  2 hydrogen atoms share their electrons with an oxygen atom creating a polarised molecule which is attracted to its neighbours but those on top of the liquid are not distracted by others above them so their lateral bonding is stronger. This means water has the strongest SURFACE TENSION of any liquid, second only to mercury.                                                                                                                                                                         
The same molecular cohesion causes capillarity – the movement of water through our bodies and also up into plants where photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert the water molecule into food (sugars) and oxygen for us. Every living thing comprises mostly water and without the surface tension of water we wouldn’t be here nor would the plants be here to feed us and oxygenate the air we breathe.
What has the Curiosity rover been looking for on Mars?                                         
WATER – the wonder fuel of life!                          

You'd have to be desperate, hey!
Even our frequent trips to the toilet during the day are a reminder...    
How often have you hopped into the bath or shower, or even the swimming pool, only to quickly realize you have forgotten something?...     
“O’oh, I should have visited the toilet first.”

Oh and by the way, what does our Creator God say He started with at the beginning (of TIME)?
Heavens (SPACE), earth (MATTER).....and then WATER!!

Isn't this what Science has proved?
The SPACE-TIME-MATTER continuum, but don't forget to add that magic ingredient: water!
 Photo credit: Janette Hornsey                                                                                                                     

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